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essays • stories
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Crimson Realities: Navigating the Body Politics in Period Matters: Menstruation in South Asia

Date: 20240401
Author: Dr. Hima S. Madhu, Nayana M. Pradeep

Menstruation, an intrinsically biological phenomenon, is frequently considered negatively by society. It stems from global myths, superstitions, and taboos. Farah Ahamed, a human rights lawyer and activist, effectively collated the varied menstrual experiences in her anthology Period Matters: Menstruation in South Asia. The anthology includes poetry, interviews, artwork, and other works by diverse writers, sheds light on the stigma associated with periods, and the challenges women face from menstruation.

This paper focuses on the theory of the techniques used by patriarchal societies to manage the human body, particularly that of women. It examines the experiences of numerous menstruators in the book Period Matters through a body politics lens. The study also tries to document the reality in which men objectify and control the female body. Furthermore, it investigates how numerous women have embarked on a quest to dispel stereotypes about menstruation.