June Gachui is an experienced radio host at Capital FM Kenya. On The Jam, she discusses different aspects of Kenyan society, art and culture. Capital FM has a weekly listenership of 6million and their target audience is 18 to 34 year olds.
Farah discussed her motivation for writing Period Matters and drew out four main themes which she felt would be of interest to young Kenyans. These include period tracking apps, climate change and period poverty, art and activism and policy and regulations relating to periods at work and social media spaces. She also spoke about the need for inclusivity and highlighted the trans experience, those of people with disabilities and others.
The conversation was interspersed with light music and banter including how twenty five years ago when Capital first launched, Farah used to listen to Amuka with Phil Mathews every morning on her way to work.
Period Matters is available at Text Book Centre and Educate Yourself Bookshop in Nairobi.